The Right Job + IPS Individualised Support = Improved Mental Health Wellbeing. We are here to support you with ANY Vocational/Employment/Career support needs
Age groups
- 18-65
Complexity of needs:
- mental health
Newham Individual Placement Support (IPS) is an evidence-based supported employment service that has been restructured in order to align with the Transformation of Mental Health services in the borough which merges secondary care and primary care MH services. The service therefore can be accessed by people experiencing a mental health condition, receiving support from a GP or Support team within Newham and want Vocational/Employment/Career support
70-90% of people with mental health issues would like to work, but only 37% are in paid employment due to lack of support. IPS is here to effectively bridge the gap between people experiencing mental health and paid employment. There is extensive evidence, both recent and historic, showing that IPS works well and is the most effective approach to help anyone experiencing mental health find and keep a Job of your preference. Our Employment specialists provide a free, individualised and confidential Employment support service aimed to help you with all Employment related needs.
We offer:
One to one support
Your own allocated Employment Specialist
Collaborative working with your health care provider
Rapid job search support
Engaging with a range of employers on your behalf
CV Writing incl. advice about how to talk about gaps in CVs and periods of illness
Interview preparation and skills development support
Access to accurate benefit advice
Continue to support you whilst your in employment incl. Career development
Eligibility Criteria –
Any person 18+ with a mental health condition wanting paid work
Is accessing support from a GP or Mental health Support team within Newham
How to refer –
Speak to a member of staff within the Mental Health team or other support staff to team to make a referral
Self-refer by Tel: 020 7510 1081 or Email: [email protected]