Community Mental Health Service supporting Tower Hamlets, Newham and Redbridge. Offering advocacy, mental health support, advice and information, employment support and talking therapies.
Age groups
- 15-18
- 19-65
- 65+
Complexity of needs:
- Complex needs
- mental health
Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham (MITHN) has been delivering services and support for people living in our community for over 30 years. In 2020 we extended our service area to including the development of Mind in Redbridge
Our aim is to help people in our local communities to have better mental health and wellbeing and to live the best lives possible. We do this by providing a range of services to meet local needs, including:
Mental Health Support, Wellbeing Groups, Talking Therapies, Employment support, Advice and Information as wells as Advocacy services.
We are committed to delivering services which meet the ever-changing needs of our communities and involving local people with the design, development, delivery and review of services. Coproduction, co-design and co-delivery of services is at the heart of our organisation.
We are are working towards becoming an Anti-Racist Organisation and are committed to delivering inclusive services that are accessible to everyone who needs them and to ensure that no one has to face a mental health problem alone.
We are also committed to working within our communities to challenge stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness.